Individual Counselling

Couples Counselling

Payment: I collect the fee through e-transfer. Please make sure to e-transfer the amount at least 24 hours prior to our booked session. 

Insurance Coverage: As a Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) with the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors (BCACC), our services are widely covered by extended health insurance plans. I encourage you to check with your extended health insurance provider and make sure.

After each session, an official receipt will be provided with my registration number, which can be used to submit claims to extended medical insurance plans.

Crime Victim Assistance Program (CVAP): I am a registered service provider with CVAP. Please be aware that CVAP only covers a portion of the session fee; the remaining amount must be paid by the client. 

Sliding Scales : I understand that finances can sometimes be a challenge when seeking therapy, and I believe it is important to make mental health services more accessible for everyone. As part of my commitment to social responsibility, I offer a limited numbers of sliding scale sessions to support your mental growth journey. Yo are welcome to bring this up in our conversations or in contact form and we will discuss further. 

Cancellation Policy: In the event that you need to cancel or change an appointment, please let me know at least 24 hours in advance. The full invoice will be sent to you if you cancel your session within 24 hours, since this time has been reserved for you and will likely not be filled in time.

Are we a good therapeutic fit?

At the heart of counselling is the relationship between the client and the therapist. When it comes to counselling, not only does your therapist’s knowledge and experience matter but also being in a therapeutic fit and feeling connected plays a significant role. I offer a 15-minute video or phone consultation, where we can explore whether we are a good therapeutic match. You can ask your questions, share your concerns, and get a feel for how I work. Rest assured that whatever the outcome, my priority is to help you find the support you need to thrive. All you need to do is contact me and we start from there!